Donate Your Instrument to our Lending Library

Help us get bluegrass instruments into the right hands.

We ask that you consider donating lightly-used bluegrass instruments to the Tygh Valley Bluegrass Jamboree Lending Library.

Our “Lending Library” program will get bluegrass instruments into the hands of kids who wouldn’t otherwise get exposure to the bluegrass genre.

We are excited to get the program off the ground and to include youth programs in futureTygh Valley Bluegrass Jamborees!

We will be accepting instrument donations at the 2023Tygh Valley Bluegrass Jamboree.

All donations are tax-deductible.

We are building a lending library to support youth in bluegrass.

Help us anticipate the number of instruments to expect this year by filling out this quick intent-to-donate form with which instrument(s) you are considering bringing.